OK, so "tomorrow" turned out to be "the day after tomorrow." Sorry.
Mabel is almost back to new! The skin on her belly is (apparently) extremely itchy right now, and she's been scratching it like crazy since yesterday, leaving it raw, so we'll be asking the vet about that. But her energy and spirits are back up, which is so good to see. The moments in which she seems morose are much rarer now, and today when one of us sits next to her, she's back to doing just what presurgery Mabel always did--she wags her tail, licks our faces, and cuddles up against us. For several days, she was weird about mealtime and wouldn't eat if we weren't in sight, but this morning--though it initially appeared we were going to have a repeat of this scenario--I came back into the office (which, you may recall, is where she spends most of her daytime hours with me) after an absence of a few minutes to find her scarfing down her food. Whew.
We'll probably take her in to have her stitches removed on Thursday.
More to come later . . . dramatic stuff, positive stuff, in-between stuff--all sorts of stuff.
I'm no expert, but the photo is priceless!!
I always liked this one of my cat because he licked his nose just as I snapped the picture!
Are you kidding? That may be the single best Elvis impression I've ever seen from a dog.
You are clearly not a fan of the arts. ;o)
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